Customers are looking for spaces with specific amenities, especially when they are searching for meeting rooms. Letting Upflex users know you have a phone booth, projector, or parking can help them determine if your space is the right fit for them. Always be sure to keep your profile current.
Location Amenities
Log into the Space Partner Portal and click the Locations tab. Select the location you want to add amenities to and click Edit.
Click the Amenities tab to see the options that apply to this location. Click on each amenity that your space offers.
Phone booth, Meeting Room, Whiteboard, and Projectors are among some of the popular amenities users are interested in.
Use the Apply to All Locations button to quickly add these amenities to the other locations. Then, you can always go to the specific location page to adjust.
Click Save & Continue to finish.
Meeting Room & Private Office Amenities
It's also important to list amenities available in each of your meeting rooms and private offices. When an Upflex user is searching for a room to book, they are interested in what specific amenities are available in that particular room and whether there is any additional cost.
To set up the amenities for each room, navigate to the Inventory tab and click the pencil icon to make edits.
Scroll to the section called Additional Room Services. Click the checkbox for each amenities that applies to this room. A drop down menu will appear to further set up pricing.
When the user books amenities with additional cost, Upflex platform will collect the payment on your behalf and will pay you accordingly.
Click Save to complete.