There are two ways to use Upflex: the Upflex Business Portal (on the web) and the Upflex app (a mobile app).
Has the booking functionality of the Upflex App, plus management capabilities. You can book spaces, manage your Team, and see bookings your Team Members have made in the Business Portal.
Upflex App
Is the employee app, used for searching and booking spaces. It will show you details about your team's plan, but does not have any other admin management functions. To find the app as an iPhone or iPad user, go to the Apple App Store. For Android users, head over to the Google Play Store.
Or you can download it here:
Finding and Downloading Upflex App
Finding and Downloading Colliers App
We're here to help! If you need more info, contact our Customer Experience Team via live chat on Intercom or email us at [email protected]. Choose the method that works best for you—we're always happy to assist!